Our Impact
The latest UNAIDS report demonstrates clearly the impact HIV & AIDS continues to have on societies in sub-Saharan Africa.
The immense scale of HIV & AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa has had a sweeping and devastating social and economic effect on families and communities. The ramifications cut across all sectors, which is why the most effective responses – as demonstrated by Egmont’s partners - address a range of issues. Whilst each of our partners has their own distinctive approach, many of the projects Egmont supports overlap in terms of their focus. For example, in promoting better nutrition, championing agricultural and vocational enterprise, or supporting educational opportunities for vulnerable children.
Our rigorous reporting structure enables us to build a picture of how Egmont’s support is helping children and their families across these different thematic areas. When added together, the numbers clearly show how Egmont’s approach – supporting small-scale diverse projects driven by local people – has a significant reach and helps to improve many thousands of lives.
Click on the links below to find out how our partners are improving the lives of children affected by HIV & AIDS.
Increasing access to adequate and nutritious food has a cascade effect. Healthy bodies absorb anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs better and respond more quickly to medical treatment. Well- nourished children attend school more frequently and perform better academically, while well-fed families have the energy to farm and work productively, helping themsevles to remain fit and healthy.
Notes from the Field
Kenya Poverty Elimination Network, Kenya
Last year, KPEN provided 60 households with beehives, each generating a monthly income of 1,200 Kenyan Shillings, enough to pay for a term of hot lunches at school.
29 partners
are currently working in this area
In 2017, over 9,574 people received the materials, equipment and training to improve their nutrition
Last year, over 2,400 vulnerable children and adults affected by HIV & AIDS were assisted into the classroom
Education leads to long-term sustainable change. Both children and adults who receive formal schooling or vocational training have a much greater chance of becoming self-reliant. The cost of school fees, uniforms and other school essentials put education beyond the reach of many across sub-Saharan Africa.
Notes from the Field
PLAEP, Zambia
With Egmont’s support, Partners for Life Advancement and Education Promotion improved the chances of 250 children affected by HIV & AIDS in Kitwe, Zambia. PLAEP provide school fees, extra tuition and a school feeding programme to ensure that they are receiving a nutritionally balanced diet, enabling them to excel in their studies.
23 partners
are currently working in this area
Providing individuals with the skills, resources and training to provide for themselves and their children is the key to sustainable change. Families with secure incomes from employment or income-generating activities are able to feed the children in their care and afford school fees, medical treatment and basic household needs.
Notes from the Field
Rafiki Girls Centre, Zimbabwe
Rafiki was first supported by Egmont in 2006 and has since grown into a well respected technical college, with girls from around Zimbabwe enrolling in courses such as nursing, catering, hotel management, tailoring and teaching. Rafiki graduates can expect to earn up to $250 to $800 a month once employed, far above the national average.
Last year, over 2,600 households were given the support, training or financial assistance to generate enough income to meet medical costs, school fees and other household expenditure
Last year, Egmont projects helped 5,400 sick and vulnerable children and their family members access treatment and care
Enabling people to access ARV drugs and receive treatment for AIDS-related diseases is vital in each individual’s struggle with HIV. Quick, affordable treatment and adherence to ARV regimens leads to longer, healthier lives.
Notes from the Field
HAWIP, Malawi
42-year-old Eric from Mhuju discovered he was HIV+ after taking part in one of HAWIP’s testing programmes. Eric is now on an ARV treatment programme and receives regular visits from a HAWIP counsellor who is working with him to help him accept his status.
23 partners
are currently working in this area
The sustained knowledge, systems and approaches that local support groups have developed over the decades remains one of the most effective means of helping those affected by HIV & AIDS. Groups create a vital support system in countries where social welfare is all but non- existent. Their work helps to achieve results in each of these impact areas.
Notes from the Field
Kimara Peers, Tanzania
Christina’s membership of the Juhudi Household Income and Savings Association (one of 60 such HISA groups run by Kimara Peers) allowed her to pay for her daughter’s funeral through accessing the group’s emergency fund. She has also been able to use the income she generates from her small business selling rice-based buns to look after and educate her daughter’s five orphaned children. Each HISA has up to 30 members who work together to save and offer vital access to credit.
Last year, Egmont partners delivered programmes on HIV & AIDS education, nutrition, behaviour change and improving community well-being to 5,700 people through support group meetings
Last year our partners provided testing and counselling services for over 13,900 at-risk people
Voluntary testing and counselling is the first step an individual can take towards reducing the impact of HIV & AIDS. Even people who test negative are more likely to reduce behaviours that are associated with transmission, while those who test positive are able to access treatment regimes that reduce the effects of HIV and limit the risk of spreading the virus.
Notes from the Field
Hospaz, Zimbabwe
Tinashe lost both of his parents to AIDS when he was ten years old. In 2013, he fell very ill and was no longer able to attend school. Through the help of Hospaz, Tinashe received HIV testing and counselling at Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital. Hospaz ensured that Tinashe stuck to his treatment regime so that he is now able to attend school again.
26 partners
currently working in this area
There is now universal awareness of HIV & AIDS. However, in the orally driven, fast-moving societies of sub- Saharan Africa, where new information disseminates slowly, it is still vital to educate people about how HIV & AIDS is spread and how to manage the disease.
Notes from the Field
VAP, Kenya
Both David’s parents died of AIDS when he was eight, and despite questioning his uncle he could not find anything out about the disease. Now aged 16, he has taken part in the Skillz Kenya programme, which uses football to educate young people about HIV & AIDS. “I am so happy to be part of the programme. Today we are in our fourth session and already getting some of the answers that my uncle was hiding from me. To me it was very important knowing that you can’t just tell if someone has HIV. I now know my status, though I didn’t tell my uncle. I feel I am now more confident and I really like the Skillz coaches. I would like to be like them one day.”
35 partners are currently working in this area. Last year, over 54,400 people were reached through community meetings, workshops and seminars and informational guides and materials
Last year, 351 girls living on the streets of Lusaka, at risk of infection and incidences of violence, were given refuge and shelter by Egmont partner Vision of Hope.
Our partners use group work and outreach campaigns to stop violence against women, particularly sexual violence, which increases the chance of infection. They also work to reduce the impact of violence, through a combination of education, group therapy and increased access to justice or legal advice, resulting in fairer, safer communities.
Notes from the Field
TICAH, Kenya
205 women make up the TICAH Angels, a support group that champions the rights of women affected by violence. The Angels provide safe houses for those experiencing abuse and have developed a network of sympathetic police officers, judges and others working in the legal system so that victims can access justice.
Over 6,200 community members were reached with information about changing attitudes towards gender-based violence
Reducing incidences of neglect, child labour, early marriage and sexual exploitation creates an environment where children can safely grow and attend school. Through awareness-raising and child-rights education amongst communities, partnering with local authorities and pursuing legal action against perpetrators of child abuse, our partners help children to flourish and reduce their risk of contracting HIV.
Notes from the Field
ACE, Kenya
In their most recent Egmont funded project, Ace Africa trained 20 police officers in child rights protection. Dealing with abuse cases ranging from child neglect, through lack of nutritional support and medical care, to cases of physical assault, child labour and drug addiction these 20 police officers respond to, on average, 5 cases a month throughout 2015.